Friday, March 30, 2012

Wiggle Worm

Anneliese went to bed last night with her head down at the right end of the crib. When she woke up this morning, she had done a complete 360! Not sure what was going on in there... maybe a baby dance party??

This morning she shared her thoughts for the day: "raa raa, daa daa, blaaaah blaaaah"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Anneliese tried pureed bananas today, her first solid food other than rice cereal. They were a big hit!! She scarfed down the whole bowl and still wanted more! After a few more days, we'll make her some organic sweet potatoes to try.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Busy Baby

Yesterday, Anneliese had a visit from her Finnerty grandparents! They had a great time playing and napping together. We all went out to eat at East End and had a great lunch.

Today, Anneliese was finally able to get her big toe in her mouth!! She's been working on it for a while now but was finally successful!
ALF met her new BFF!

She also went to Sears and got her Easter pictures done. She was perfectly well behaved and smiled the whole time. Then we were also going to get pictures with the Easter Bunny but Mike thought he was too creepy, maybe next year...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Grandma and Me

Grandma got to babysit Anneliese for 3 days, and they had a blast! They read lots of books, sang songs, went for walks to the river and other crazy shenanigans.

Gift of gab: Part 2

                                                It's hard to talk with all the spit in your mouth

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Girls just wanna have fun!

                                 Look who can almost sit up all by herself! Just a little weeble wobbly.

Grandma Babysitting: Day 1

Saturday, March 17, 2012

First St. Patrick's Day

Anneliese celebrated the traditional way with corned beef, cabbage, and green milk... oh wait, that was just spoiled, sorry baby. She finished the day off with a big green poop, success!

Friday, March 16, 2012


                                                               Nutella is delicious!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

                                                                 ...just a few days early :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

ALF takes on the World...

                                                           well at least Glens Falls.
                                                What a goof ball, just like her daddy in pictures
                                                           Baby had some crazy hat hair!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Party again!

ALF went to her friend Violet's 1st birthday party today!  She had so much fun.  Violet gave her a big hug. It was the cutest damn thing. 

 Violet eating her birthday cupcake!  She is so funny. 
Violet wearing the hat we got her!

Friday, March 9, 2012


ALF went to the CNY for her Grandma's retirement party.  She had a blast.  She saw lots of people who love her and she loves right back.  More importantly... she had her first cannoli. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wellness checkup

Length - 24" 32%
Weight - 14 lbs 5oz 58%
Head Circumference - 16.5" 69%

She is hitting all her major milestones.  Doctor thinks she is just about ready to start trying some solid food.  She had to drink some nasty stuff and had three shots.  She started bawling the second the nurse started wiping her legs with alcohol.  She knew what was coming and wanted everyone (and I mean everyone) to know how ridiculously pissed she was. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week in Review!

ALF went Carl R's this week. Another successful restaurant outing.  She was an awesome angel!

She is starting to teethe.  She has been drooling and shoving her whole hand in her mouth.  She has been a lot fussier lately too.  You can feel the little bumps in the bottom front where they might be coming in.

She has a Doctors appointment coming up this week.  Lots of stuff to talk about. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012


ALF played outside today.  She knew enough not to eat the yellow snow (she may or may not have created some though).