Sunday, December 25, 2011

First Christmas!!

8 weeks old 3 days. Anneliese had so much fun and excitement leading up to the actual big day that she was just exhausted on Christmas morning! It was another wonderful day with family. Next year she'll be running around crazy, I'm sure. But it will be fun to watch her actually enjoying opening the presents and playing with her toys.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Christmas Eve in CNY

Anneliese got to meet the rest of the Finnerty family on Christmas Eve when we went over to Sean & Melissa's for the annual get together. Everyone loved her, of course!! :) She got some great gifts! Then Anneliese met even more family at my mom's house when Em, Ant, Allison, Megan, Sara and JP came over. Just wait until Anneliese gets older, I think her and Allison will be great friends, they are so cute together! Special thanks to my mom for getting her the beautiful Santa dress.

First "Christmas" at Home

We had our Christmas on the morning of Christmas Eve at our home, as the first time as a mom and dad! Sounds weird to say that still... Anneliese got a wonderful play gym, some stuffed animals, a bunny puppet, books, a few interactive toys and some clothes. I know it sounds cheesy to say, but she honestly is the best gift of all. <3

Monday, December 12, 2011

Second Professional Photo Shoot

Anneliese, once again, was SO well behaved for her first Christmas pictures. We went to Sears and she was wide awake and alert, didn't fuss at all!!! We we very impressed. For being only 6 weeks old you would think the photographer would compliment her good behavior or even her dress, but nothing! Ugh, we were kind of annoyed that they couldn't even say how pretty she was, she was so pretty we couldn't stand it!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Met Santa!

Guess who was a perfect angel when she met Santa?? Anneliese, of course!! Such a good girl at 5 weeks old.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Thanksgiving

Anneliese was 4 weeks old for her first Thanksgiving. We went to the Grandma's, so this was her first big trip! She did great and slept the whole time. Oscar had to squeeze into the seat next to her in the backseat but he was well behaved, but you could tell her sure didn't care for it. Anneliese got to meet some of her cousins for the first time, too. We are truly thankful for Anneliese!! She is a joy and a blessing.

Monday, October 31, 2011

First Halloween

Anneliese had her first Halloween at just 4 days old. We had about 9 different Halloween outfits that we had bought for her so she got to have a lot of costume changes that day. We had just come home from the hospital the day before so we were trying to get settled in with our angel. Next year will be MUCH different, with turning 1 year old just a few days before. Better start planning the big party now!