Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Time for FUN!

 Never can get enough of swingin'
 Played with her truck sound puzzle ALL day on Monday

Monday, June 24, 2013

Swimming, Smoothies, and Dancing

 Dancing to Thomas and Friends

 mmm... homemade fruit smoothie
 Sitting on the floor eating cereal, don't judge.
 Our Family <3
Tree Hugger

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Baby and Floors


ALF went to the CNY last weekend while Mike and I worked on the floors.  ALF is allergic to everything.  We pulled up the carpet and replaced it. She couldn't be in the house with all the dander flying.
 Mike acting like he knows what he's doing.
 Maybe he does!
ALF went to Fort Rickey with Allison.  Yay hugs!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rough Day

Anneliese had a rough day yesterday. She woke up with a red, swollen eye so we went to the doctors and got some ointment. Then when we got home, she ran around the driveway carrying a broom, tripped and fell, scrapping up her forehead and nose!! What a site!

We went for a ride down to the park for some fun in the beautiful weather.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Too dang hot

We had to get out the pool for this weekend. The obs were well over 90... heck my flip flop melted to the pavement on our walk this morning. But still ALF said "outshide!"
Action shot!
Aren't I adorable?