Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Road to Recovery

ALF has been very sick the past few weeks. We couldn't figure out what was causing the rapid decline and expanding rash. We thought her eczema was flaring due to her allergies and a possible addiction to topical steroids, nothing was helping. After seeing a new doctor and having some testing, they determined she actually had very bad fungal infection that spread through her whole body, likely along with a staph infection. After taking some antibiotics and anti-fungal meds, she is looking the best she has in over a year. 
She is tough, strong little girl!!
Red, flaky and itchy just one week ago
Skin is clearing up great and she is feeling SO much better!!!
29 Months Old today

Friday, March 14, 2014

This kid doesn't need new toys

 She found tubes of lotion in the bathroom that became the "mommy and the baby" that went for a ride.
Only my kid...
 Hair clips and bars of soap is what she plays with... a silly child.
 Ready for dancing and party fun.
Cuddles with dada and Dante.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Snow much fun!

 Went outside for some fresh air, got all her snow clothes on, then I hear 
"Mama, I gotta go pee on the potty now" Of course you do, dear.
 Climbed to the top of the mountain (or porch)
 Walking the line
 She's quite good at shoveling!
Look at me, Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Overdue pics from the past few weeks

I want to ride on your head, daddy!
Happy birthday, Grandma!
 Counting and sorting gems
Chillin' with Oscar
Giddy up!
 ALF had tons of fun at Violet's birthday party!!
 Happy 3rd Birthday, Violet!!
 Daddy cuddles <3
Being a good helper with cousin Isabella.