Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I wanna play the playground!

 This is how I eat my breakfast, so what? 
It has been so nice the past few days, ALF enjoyed getting some fresh air, running, and lots of time on the playground.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easter Eggs! Round 1

ALF is getting excited about Easter! We got her some fake eggs to practice coloring and she did great. We'll try the real thing too and hope that goes smoothly without any big messes. *Fingers crossed*
 Holding the eggs down in the dye since the fake ones float. Good job, baby girl!
 I know it's blurry but it's still cute. She can't help herself from dancing when wearing a dress.
She thought she looked beautiful with all her jewels on. Always. <3

Friday, April 4, 2014


We took a trip to see a specialist in Pediatric Dermatology in Rochester. We got a whole new regime to start ALF on and we are hoping for some results in the next few weeks.
ALF the artist
 Dancing in her pretty "dress" while waiting to see the doctor.
 Made a side trip after the appointment to Dogtown to try some local grub. Yum!