Sunday, October 25, 2015

An Out of This World 4th Birthday Party!

A great Planet Party for our goofball. :)
#planet #outerspace #birthday #party
Silver stars from Walmart and birthday banner was designed by us.
The Dollar Store was a great place to save money and get colorful star balloons.
She was in love with her dress from MommyMagicShop on Etsy.
Her favorite planet is Saturn.
Design a Rocket Ship ~ Pineapple cut into triangles for the front of the rocket, grapes and strawberries for the rocket boosters.
Rocket Fuel Punch ~ Hawaiian Punch - Green Berry Blast, 7 UP and pineapple juice.
We placed green glow sticks under the punch bowl to add an extra glow.
We made some Space Racers sign to ALF's request.
Rockets blasting off!
Amazon had this great Outer Space tablecloth.
The kids really enjoyed our sand art project of "Stardust Art".
Perfect star necklaces and mini funnels worked well and it kept the little ones busy.

Outer space cake table display.
Mason jars with "Saturn's Rings", Starbursts, and Milky Ways, Moon Pies, and Halfmoon cookies compliment the planet cake. I got a bag of traditional Starburst flavors and the new Superfruit flavors to get more colors and then layered them for a rainbow effect.
I didn't want to spend a lot on another planet tablecloth so I repurposed an extra one I already had and used star stickers from the dollar store to add sparkle. They didn't stick too well so I did also glue on silver confetti stars.
Sparkler candles were a bust.
They didn't sparkle or stay lit but the Wilton colored flame candle
were perfect since she wanted rainbow colors.

Present time!

Indoor pool party!

#paper #lantern #planets
We made the solar system out of different sized paper lanterns.
The sun, Jupiter and Earth needed to be larger than 8" so I found different sizes and colors here at reasonable prices. 
16" yellow for the sun, 12" orange for Jupiter and 10" dark blue for Earth.

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