Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week in Review! Anneliese can laugh!

Yesterday Anneliese Louise (ALF) turned three months old!  So that's how long it took us to start a blog.  I am going to update this everyday... maybe.  Saturdays I will do a week in review.

I guess I should do a quick three month in review first.  She was born October 27th, 6 lbs 15.8 ounces and 20 inches long.  She was born with a rockin' mullet.  She wears cloth diapers and drinks breast milk from the tap.  She had an awesome first Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas (I'll post pictures eventually).  She eats, poops, and sleeps through the night (eff yeah!).  

This week ALF started laughing out loud.  We have video evidence.  She laughs and smiles especially hard at the light switch next to her feeding station (the spot on the couch she gets the boob).    She also went into work with me at school.  She was a big hit.  They keep saying she has perfect features but then they say she looks like me... does that mean I have perfect features?

Check out the video!

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