Sunday, May 6, 2012

Busy Weekend!

ALF had a ridiculously busy weekend.  She is exhausted.  Saturday morning ALF and daddy went to the Kids Exchange Consignment Sale.  We got there right at 9am and the line went all the way around the dome.  It was nuts!  We bought a Laugh and Learn music table thingy.  Then we went to baby lap time at the library.  She struck up a conversation with a baby named Lily a la talking twins.  It was hilarious.

Today we went to Lake George and saw Keith and AnnMarie again!  We went to the Adirondack Winery for a tasting (ALF had a good time).  Then we went out to eat again at Red Lobster.  ALF enjoyed the reading material on our table. We were spoiled this weekend. 

ALF will miss AnnMarie.  Something about her face makes ALF giggle.

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