Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This is How I Roll

Anneliese rolled over tonight all by herself... twice! We even got it on video! She's just checking those milestones off her list left and right.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

99 Problems...

but a baby ain't one... The three of us went out to the 99 Restaurant tonight.  ALF slept through the whole thing.

She also started grabbing her feet today!

Monday, February 27, 2012

4 Months Old!!!

Yay! Happy 4 Months, Anneliese! We had lots of playtime today, went for a walk, made fun of mommy's numb face, and then passed out. It was a good day.

Exersaucer Fun!

 Anneliese had a blasty blast trying out her exersaucer for the first time, except for that fish... She doesn't like the looks of him one bit, shifty fella.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week in Review!

Let's see... Anneliese and I spent the whole week together.   We played games, read stories, and watched the first season of Game of Thrones (which is wildly inappropriate).

She rolled over (nearly unassisted). She's practically sitting up on her own.  Tomorrow she'll be 4 months old (yay!) and I'll be back at work (boo!). 

ALF talking!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Out on the Town

We all went out today as a family to run some errands. Anneliese was a perfect angel, of course! We went to Target, Crandall Library, and Hannford to show her off; she was a big hit! She was super cute in her polka dot fleece hoodie, Calvin Klein overalls, and green striped socks. She can rock any look.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Playing Fetch

Anneliese is learning to reach and grab toys, her hand-eye coordination is developing quickly.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Flying Poo!

Oh, today was a lovely day. Anneliese, Mike, and I all went for a nice walk around the neighborhood before the weather decided to take a turn for the worse. We had a great time getting some fresh air. She is 17 weeks old today.

                                                     Oh the things my daddy does to me!!
                                                                 Daddy is CRAZY!
 Just in the past few days, Anneliese is discovering her feet!! She looks at them and has attempted to reach for them a few times.
For the past week or so, Anneliese has been trying to sit up on her own, especially when laying on the changing table. I'm glad she is doing her crunches and working on her baby abs, but it also is a great way to squirt out some poo... right onto mommy!!! Anneliese found this hilarious, and kept right on poopin'. Yup, it was a lovely day, even covered in poo.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

She's pretty!

Grandma (Meemaw!) took pictures with her camera.  What a difference a fancy camera makes!  ALF is always pretty... now she's pretty in a higher picture quality!  Yay megapixels!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My baby is how old?? 16 weeks already!?

 Anneliese & Dante

In reference to my husband's previous post, I agree no major milestones but progress is being made everyday. Anneliese has been doing great at tummy time and is trying to roll over to her back but just can't quite get it yet. She is getting her butt to roll but doesn't use her hands to roll her upper body, just shoves her hand in her mouth.

She is also reaching and grabbing for toys more... and cats. Anneilese is learning cause and effect when she plays with her light up star stacker. She whacks it with her hands and it lights up and plays music, she loves it! Sometimes she'll get on a roll and keep hitting over and over again like rapid fire, she kicks her legs like crazy with excitement.

And yes, we are very excited about the new Tots Bots designs, especially love the 3 little pigs. We have plenty of cloth diapers now but these are too cute to pass up!

Week in Review! Baby Warhol

No major milestones this week.  She did manage to spit up on the dog and both cats this week. 

We learned that her favorite song is Forever by Chris Brown.  She can go from pissed to passed out in seconds if you play this song.  She is sleeping in my arms right now because of this trick.  Song's like her off button.  

ALF is very happy that Daddy will be off from work for the entirety of next week.  She can't wait for him to sleep in, rarely bathe, play video games, and perform other slovenly behavior.  When he is bored, he'll probably play with photoshop (i.e. ALF Warhol). 

TotsBots also introduced some new cloth diaper prints this week that we are excited about. They are diapers/nappies with storybook characters on them!  Yay!
ALF is also excited that her MeeMaw (Grandma Stockbridge) is coming tomorrow!  I don't think she'll call her that... but it's just so funny when Dr. Sheldon Cooper does it.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week in Review!

ALF Skyped with all of her grandparents today!  She had a massive poo while talking to Grandma F.  It had to have been at least a 5 on the Richter scale.  The ensuing mudslide was impressive. Tots Bots kept it contained though.

ALF's 2nd most impressive feat of the week!  -
She can hold the bottle like a champ.  Now one step closer to world domination.

Baby Poppins

Pretty sure she is the prettiest baby I've ever seen, I may be biased but I am still right. :) As Grandma says, she is practically perfect in every way, just like Mary Poppins.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

15 weeks old

Anneliese has officially doubled her birth weight and is now 14 pounds!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week in Review!

Anneliese has been a tummy time champion this week.  Holding her head up like a boss.  If we refer to the babycenter milestone chart, she is currently doing everything for advanced 3 monthers except rolling over (I can't get the dog to do it either).

She is talking up a storm too... which has me both excited and horrified.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

ALF with Daddy

So today was Sarah's second day back at work.  She is actually still there right now.  ALF and I spent the past 7.5 hours dancing, singing, eating, pooping, and we threw in a 12 minute nap (I got some of it on video). 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First day of Day Care

Anneliese went to day care for the first time today. :( Our neighbor, Erika, across the road is watching her so it is a flexible and convenient arrangement for us. Anneliese was there for 6 hours today and apparently had a great time. She had fun with Erika and played with lots of great toys. It was so hard to say goodbye, and I probably said it 10 ten times before actually leaving. Of course I cried, but once I was at work I did pretty well and the day went by faster than expected. It was so great to see Anneliese when I got home and to see her smiles and gurgles. :)