Saturday, February 18, 2012

My baby is how old?? 16 weeks already!?

 Anneliese & Dante

In reference to my husband's previous post, I agree no major milestones but progress is being made everyday. Anneliese has been doing great at tummy time and is trying to roll over to her back but just can't quite get it yet. She is getting her butt to roll but doesn't use her hands to roll her upper body, just shoves her hand in her mouth.

She is also reaching and grabbing for toys more... and cats. Anneilese is learning cause and effect when she plays with her light up star stacker. She whacks it with her hands and it lights up and plays music, she loves it! Sometimes she'll get on a roll and keep hitting over and over again like rapid fire, she kicks her legs like crazy with excitement.

And yes, we are very excited about the new Tots Bots designs, especially love the 3 little pigs. We have plenty of cloth diapers now but these are too cute to pass up!

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