Thursday, February 23, 2012

Flying Poo!

Oh, today was a lovely day. Anneliese, Mike, and I all went for a nice walk around the neighborhood before the weather decided to take a turn for the worse. We had a great time getting some fresh air. She is 17 weeks old today.

                                                     Oh the things my daddy does to me!!
                                                                 Daddy is CRAZY!
 Just in the past few days, Anneliese is discovering her feet!! She looks at them and has attempted to reach for them a few times.
For the past week or so, Anneliese has been trying to sit up on her own, especially when laying on the changing table. I'm glad she is doing her crunches and working on her baby abs, but it also is a great way to squirt out some poo... right onto mommy!!! Anneliese found this hilarious, and kept right on poopin'. Yup, it was a lovely day, even covered in poo.

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