Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week in Review! Baby Warhol

No major milestones this week.  She did manage to spit up on the dog and both cats this week. 

We learned that her favorite song is Forever by Chris Brown.  She can go from pissed to passed out in seconds if you play this song.  She is sleeping in my arms right now because of this trick.  Song's like her off button.  

ALF is very happy that Daddy will be off from work for the entirety of next week.  She can't wait for him to sleep in, rarely bathe, play video games, and perform other slovenly behavior.  When he is bored, he'll probably play with photoshop (i.e. ALF Warhol). 

TotsBots also introduced some new cloth diaper prints this week that we are excited about. They are diapers/nappies with storybook characters on them!  Yay!
ALF is also excited that her MeeMaw (Grandma Stockbridge) is coming tomorrow!  I don't think she'll call her that... but it's just so funny when Dr. Sheldon Cooper does it.  

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